To contact us : 418 759-5050 or 1 888 924-5050

OGPAC (Gaspesian organization for people suffering from cancer)

Activities available:

Materiels (books, hats, …)

Look Good Feel Better

Support groups


To consult the scedule of the ateliers-causerie, clic here

To contact one of the assistant :

Nathalie Bernard, Gaspe coast

Monday and Tuesday   : 581-887-0272 or at any time, call 1 888-924-5050

Annie Boulay, assistant in MRC of Haute-Gaspésie 

Tuesday and wenesday  : 418 763-4007 at any time, call 1 888-924-5050

Cindy Bujold,  MRC of Bonaventure

418-759-5050 or 1 888 924-5050