
Phone : 418-368-3212

Fax :  418-368-4253

Email : info@vgpn.ca


Website : http://visiongaspeperce.ca

Address :
28 Rue St. Patrick
P.O. Box # 67 Douglastown
Gaspé, QC G4X1H0

Lisa Craig presents the services and activities for the Seniors population in Magdalen Islands.

The services offered by CAMI (Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders) to English-speaking community of the Magdalen Islands. Presented by Helena Burke, executive Director.

Stephanie presents the support services you can have if you are care giver. You can have information or the service easely calling 418-969-7134 or access the facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/prochesaidan…


Geneviève Joyal presents the services offered by the foundation for people with cancer.

Fondation Santé de l’Archipel

Adress 430, chemin Principal
Cap-aux-Meules, Québec G4T 1R9
Phone 418-986-2121, poste 8040
Fax 418-986-6845
Email fondationch.cisssdesiles@ssss.gouv.qc.ca


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fondationsantedelarchipel/